How to Survive a Jet Lag?

Jet lag, the unwelcome sidekick of long-haul travel, has been a nemesis for many travelers. Adjusting your internal body clock to a new time zone can be grueling, leaving you feeling exhausted, disoriented, and sometimes even unwell. Fortunately, there are ways to minimize its effects and get back in sync with your destination’s time zone. This article delves into what you need to know and do to survive jet lag.

Understanding Jet Lag

Before we dive into solutions, let’s first understand the problem. Jet lag, or desynchronosis, is a temporary disorder resulting from rapid long-distance travel across time zones. It disrupts our body’s internal clock (circadian rhythm), which regulates our sleep-wake cycle, eating habits, body temperature, and various physiological processes.

Managing Sleep and Light Exposure

The circadian rhythm responds to light and darkness, which means controlling your exposure to these can influence your body clock. When traveling eastward, exposing yourself to light in the early morning and avoiding it in the evening can help advance your body clock, aligning it with the local time faster. Conversely, when heading westward, exposure to light in the evening and avoiding it in the early morning can delay your body clock, easing your adaptation to the new time zone.

Setting Your Watch to Destination Time

The minute you board your flight, set your watch to your destination’s local time. This psychological trick can help prepare your mind for the change, subtly influencing your actions on the flight, such as when you decide to sleep or eat.

Nutrition and Hydration

Travel, especially air travel, can lead to dehydration due to the dry cabin air. Dehydration exacerbates jet lag symptoms, including fatigue and disorientation. Therefore, drink plenty of water before, during, and after the flight. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, which can further dehydrate and disrupt your sleep patterns.

Eating According to Destination Time

Like our sleep cycle, our eating habits follow our internal body clock. To help adjust this, start eating according to your destination’s meal times as soon as possible. If it’s lunchtime where you’re going, try having a light meal, even if you’re not particularly hungry. Remember to keep your meals balanced and nutritious to maintain energy levels and prevent sudden spikes and crashes in blood sugar levels.

Physical Activity and Relaxation Techniques

Physical activity can also help in resetting your body clock. A brisk walk or a short workout, particularly in the morning light, can help reset your internal clock to the new time zone. Even during your flight, simple exercises like stretching your arms and legs can help boost blood circulation, combating fatigue and lethargy.

Meditation and breathing exercises can be invaluable in dealing with jet lag. Deep breathing exercises can stimulate relaxation, reduce stress levels, and promote better sleep quality, particularly helpful when adjusting to a new sleep schedule.

Smart Use of Technology

There are several apps available that can help manage jet lag. They offer custom advice based on your travel itinerary, suggesting optimal times for light exposure, sleep, and meals. While this should not replace the advice of healthcare professionals, it can certainly be a valuable tool to complement your other jet lag management strategies.

When to Seek Professional Help

If your symptoms persist despite trying the above strategies, or if you have a medical condition that could be exacerbated by jet lag, it may be time to consult a healthcare professional. Depending on your situation, they may recommend treatments like melatonin supplements or light therapy.

Embrace the Adventure

Despite the challenge of jet lag, remember to embrace the adventure of exploring new places. With some patience and proactive steps, you can conquer jet lag and maximize your enjoyment of your travels. So gear up, apply these tips, and make your next travel experience less about surviving jet lag and more about savoring every moment of your journey.


Navigating the trials of jet lag may seem daunting, but armed with the right knowledge and strategies, it becomes a manageable part of the travel experience. By focusing on sleep management, hydration and nutrition, physical activity, and smart use of technology, you can significantly lessen the impact of jet lag on your journey. Remember, each adventure comes with unique challenges, but they are all part of the rich tapestry of travel experiences. So, take these tips in stride, embrace the adventure ahead, and transform your next trip into an exploration of new locales and new ways to enhance and enjoy your travel experiences.

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