Top 5 Indoor Plants to keep air inside the house clean during Pandemic

Indoor Plants

The air we breathe is an important part of our lives, and we cannot take that for granted, as we would not be able to live without it. But our lungs can only get so much air, depending on how much oxygen we’re taking in every day and whether or not we’re breathing in fresh air or the oxygen in smoke and other toxins. Luckily, there are ways to improve the amount of air that our lungs can take in, and one of the ways to do this is by keeping indoor plants around. These indoor plants are very easy to maintain, even impossible to kill, and have definitely killed many houseplants before!

An indoor plant can be a wonderful addition to your home, providing a great source of fresh air in any room. Many indoor plants such as water lilies and hydrangeas are also excellent at filtering out toxins in your environment, which can make a huge difference in your overall health. Another thing that you want to know about is what types of air purifiers you need to use with your plants. You don’t need anything fancy to keep your plants healthy, but some are better at filtering out harmful fumes than others are. If you don’t want to spend too much money, however, just go with the basic model. That way, you can save money by not having to purchase an expensive air purifier for the entire house.

What Indoor Plants should help keep the air clean during Pandemic?

As long as you keep your indoor plants clean, you won’t have to worry about them having too much air. They’ll also provide a great source of relaxation and beauty to any room in your home, whether they’re in a formal living space or in the back bedroom. With the right plants around, your home will be in tip top shape! Here are the top 5 indoor plants that is best to grow and placed inside the house during the pandemic:


1. English Ivy

english ivySince the highly toxic, arbor-like leaves of the English Ivy plant have some potentially dangerous (even fatal) elements, there’s been much debate as to whether or not it’s worth it to grow an English Ivy in your home. If so, can the possible health benefits of English Ivy plants help to outweigh the dangers of exposure to the plant’s toxic chemicals? The good news is that many people seem to find the benefits worth the risks when it comes to the health effects of exposure to indoor air pollutants.

Many studies have shown that English Ivy plants are able to help to improve the immune system and respiratory system by producing natural antioxidants. When you consider the fact that this plant is able to create antioxidants to protect our bodies from toxins such as pollution, pesticides, and other chemicals, it makes sense that these plants can help to combat the symptoms of an upset immune system. It also makes sense that the natural elements of an English Ivy plant could help to boost our immune system and respiratory systems in general. Studies have shown that the chemical constituents in the air around people who have taken extracts from a small patch of an English Ivy plant are similar to some of the chemicals in the air that many people breathe on a daily basis.

Although the potential health benefits of taking an extract from a small patch of an English Ivy plant isn’t yet clear, the potential positive effects of regular exposure to this type of plant should be considered. The good news is that the majority of Americans already know the health benefits of living without breathing in toxic chemicals and air pollutants every day. If you’re tired of living with the effects of air pollution and want to help your family avoid it, consider growing an English Ivy or two at home. Even if you do choose not to plant an English Ivy plant in your home, you can take an extract of the plant and use it as an ingredient in homemade air purifiers to keep the air in your home fresh and healthy.

2. Bamboo Palm

bamboo palm

Chamaedorean Seifrizii, otherwise known as the Bamboo palm, is one of the most beautiful, exotic, and unique tropical plants that can be grown in your home garden. Specimens Chamaedorean seifrizii has a relatively long lifespan, ranging from two to twenty years in tropical climates. The average size is four feet tall with an approximate height of three feet. The flowers bloom throughout the year and may produce as many as sixty flowers at one time. These flowers turn yellow to white, but usually remain green for the duration of their lives. This palm has thick green skin covered with small blackish hairs, which helps the plant to resist extreme temperatures, drought, and the wind.


Characteristics Chamaedorean seifrazii is a large palm that grows from clustered bamboo-like trunks, so Chamaedorean seifrizii is commonly referred to as the Bamboo palm. The palm is a deciduous tree, which means that it only sheds its leaves when the trees are mature. There are no evergreen varieties of Chamaede seifrazii. It only ever produces one flower per year, in mid-summer.


Environment Chamaeda seifrazii loves cool, wet, dark, humid places, so is a perfect choice for a tropical window plant, especially if it is placed in an area of the house that will receive lots of sunlight. Chamaeda seifrazii can grow very well in containers in any location where it receives plenty of light and water. It will do well in soil mixed with peat moss and also will do well with a mix of sand and gravel. If you live in an apartment or dorm room, you will find it very difficult to grow, so you might consider growing it in an outdoor container. If you grow it outdoors, it will need to have constant moisture and direct sunlight for most of the day, and it will grow slowly with little flowering.

3. Chinese Evergreen

chinese evergreenAglaonema, also known as Aglaonema longifolia, is a species of evergreen plants in the arctostaphylous family, Aglaricaceae. They’re native to tropical and sub-tropical areas of Asia, New Guinea and Australia. They’re also called Chinese evergreen. They’re often referred to as “the flower of the forest.” The flowers bloom and fall, with each type bearing an upright, thin-branched flower stalk with white, trumpet-shaped flowers. This plant’s leaves are oval, green to yellowish, with six to eight small leaflets.

The Chinese evergreen can be grown in all types of soil types, but it’s more suited for moist, rich dark soil. The Chinese evergreen needs fairly dry conditions, which it will thrive on. It can tolerate drought, but as soon as water starts to wilt its leaves, it becomes susceptible to leaf spot and other diseases. It requires good drainage, and a fertilizer rich in nitrogen should be used. This plant will grow up to 30 inches tall and produce a single flowering stem at the end of each growing season. Each stem, which is a berry, bears one to four bluish flowers in a row. This species can be grown as an annual as well.

The evergreen is found throughout the world, and it’s native only to those areas that receive direct sunlight on a regular basis. You should not try to grow the evergreen near objects that reflect or absorb light, such as window sills or blinds. Also avoid exposing this evergreen to cold temperatures; the Chinese evergreen does best in areas where the temperature is around 60 degrees Fahrenheit. If you decide to grow this Chinese evergreen, you will need some basic gardening knowledge. It’s a relatively low maintenance plant that produces many blooms and foliage each year. Plant it in large groups to provide the best environment for the evergreen’s growth.

4. Gerbera Daisy

gerbera daisy

The Gerbera Daisy is one of the most popular indoor plants today. This particular species of houseplant has been around since the mid-1800s when Gerbera Linnaeus first recorded its characteristics. The Gerbera Daisy is so popular in the United States that many gardeners will use a variation of the Gerbera Daisy to create their own garden look. As with all houseplants, care must be taken in maintaining the Gerbera Daisy. Gerbera Daisy care requires regular watering, which should be done every day during the summer months. It also helps to use a fertilizer once or twice a month.


The gerberas have been used in gardens by farmers for years, but in recent years they have become very popular in both private and commercial settings. Gerberas are native to China, but it was not until the late 1800s that these plants were introduced to North America. Because of the popularity of the Gerbera Daisy, it has spread all over the world. These plants are easy to take care of, being inexpensive to grow, and require little maintenance. Gerberas are best planted in small pots that have been filled to the top with water and have a layer of mulch. Watering is done after the soil is dry. Gerbera Daisy care also involves placing them in areas where there is no direct sunlight, such as in a shady area of the garden.


Gerbera Daisies is great houseplants because they are simple and easy to keep. However, they do need regular attention, especially in the summer time. Watering and fertilizing are done on a regular basis, especially during the hotter months. This will help to ensure that your plants have all of the proper moisture they need. Gerberas are also known for being pests in gardens, so they should be monitored closely. If you have small children in your home, it is important to teach them how to safely handle these houseplants. This way they can be sure to leave the house and come back to see their favorite plants unharmed.

5. Dragon Tree

dragon tree

The Dragon Tree Dracaena marginata is a large, sprawling tree that can grow up to 30 feet tall. It’s a hardwood tree that usually grows in the rainforests of South America. It is a beautiful tree with branches ranging from gray and white to dark purple and has many colorful blooms throughout the year. They range from small, pink flowers in the Spring to large, red blooms in the Summertime. It’s an excellent choice for any indoor or outdoor plantings.

The Dracaena species has been used to make teas for thousands of years. This makes it a very useful addition to any collection. In fact, the leaves are often used to create a strong scent in perfumes. The leaves are a common ingredient in some bath and body products. It can be added to food as well, such as in salads. The leaves can also be used in many recipes as well.

The leaves of the Dragon Tree Dracaena marginata are a natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral agent. This makes it a great treatment against any infection or soreness that you may be suffering. It is very easy to grow and needs minimal attention. It’s perfect for any home or office, because it can withstand a lot of use. These leaves are also a great addition to your herb garden and you can even use them for other purposes.


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